Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Consumer Revelations

Adverts used to make me joyful. As a child, I would sing along with the subtle product invitations, unaware of the companies intent. It was a wonderful time.

Of late, I have sensed a lack of nuance on the part of the Advertisers. They don't want the kids to enjoy themselves and sing songs at all. They don't even give products responsible names and characteristics anymore. Granted in times past, Advertising was responsible for this inspired piece of ridiculous..

Including children in such irresponsible advertising. That is shocking. There is quite obviously nothing worse than this. Fast forward to the 21st century. Oh I'm sorry, I retract that statement, there is something worse...

I think my eyes are bleeding. I think the screaming in my head just hailed a sheep dog.
I think that the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse have been given access to some eyeliner and low rise jeans. I don't know what message that poster conveys. On the surface probably, 'Come and see this Film' is likely. I will take a step back. This is an innocent fashionable baby with a microphone. The children need fashionable make up wearing babies. Let's all join in the spirit. Aren't they cute. They sing as well, the microphones aren't just for show.


Well at least they are singing the F-Word. That's nice. Like miniature Julie Andrews' singing on their profitable popularity mountain.

As a child, I had a Battlecat and some Sylvanian Families. There was nothing reprehensible about the Badger Bakery.

The badger and the mole worked hard in that bakery.

I loved that bakery. I don't love Bratz.

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