To create a mental image, they were two versions of this girl but very angry at the world.
And so I stood digging through my giant bag looking for my card, (hoarders lucky dip), when all of a sudden I hear some magical words the two young fearless members of The (sh)It Girls Justice League. "Look behind you, what the fuck is that girl wearin'.." brazen as you like. Followed by giggles.
I didn't even look behind me in search of another human. I knew I was that girl. What was it? the oversized TRON Tshirt (epic). The hat with ears, (that is for warmth). But, in my heart of hearts I knew. Instinct. That and the fact that they were both staring directly at me in disgust.
While they used the withdrawal services, I smiled sweetly and wondered if Glade candles were still Buy One Get One Free in Tesco and how much force it would take to put someones head through a cash dispensing unit. (As is my way). Not a word exchanged though.
On my way home after my brief glimpse of the modern day trial by intimidation at the hands of two Value-Range hardcases. I came upon the prominent matter that I would this evening convey to those who read my work. Today propelled me to make this point known.
Through life's judgemental encounters, there need only be one fact that should hold major importance to understanding and intelligent beings. Cast aside this fashion ideology. No matter what you choose to wear and how you choose to live your life, always remember this. The original TRON beats the sequel hands down.
That is all.